In the rush to get to work, it’s easy to feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day.
So, wouldn’t it be great if your car could help you make the most of your morning commute?
In this scenario, demonstrated in our four-seat car simulator, Smart Eye’s interior sensing technology is combined with autonomous driving to take some of the stress out of the drive.
By tracking physical, cognitive, and visual readiness, the system makes sure you’re ready to take control when needed, while also offering opportunities to safely tackle other tasks during the journey.
Watch the video below to see how this works.
Before autonomous driving can be enabled, the system checks for three key factors: physical readiness (hands on the wheel), cognitive readiness (alertness and focus), and visual readiness (eyes on the road).
Once all three requirements are met, the system confirms that the driver is prepared to operate the vehicle safely. The car soon signals that autonomous drive is available, and the driver is free to take their hands of the wheel.
With autonomous mode activated, the system takes over steering and braking to give the driver the chance to focus on something else. The time spent in the car can then be used to check emails, take a call, or unwind with a quick video, depending on the driver’s needs.
Using hand gestures, like answering a call with a wave of the hand, the driver can interact with the in-car infotainment system. Meanwhile, the system keeps monitoring activity and readiness, making sure the driver remains aware of their surroundings and ready to take back control when necessary.
As the car nears its destination, the driver prepares to take manual control over the driving again.
But first, the system confirms the driver’s physical, cognitive, and visual readiness by monitoring their hands on the wheel, eyes on the road, and overall focus. Only then does the car shift from autonomous to manual driving mode, letting the driver safely take over control.
This is a clear example of how interior sensing can play a key role in making sure autonomous driving works safely, especially when it’s time to switch back to manual control.