17 July, 2024

Smart Eye: What to Expect After Purchasing Your Eye Tracking System

Congratulations on your decision to invest in Smart Eye’s cutting-edge eye tracking technology! Now that you’ve made the leap, you might be wondering what comes next. In this article, we’ll walk you through what you can expect from our team post-purchase and how we ensure your success every step of the way.

Preparing for Deployment: The Commissioning and Training Phase

Once you’ve decided to move forward with your eye tracking system purchase, our team swings into action. Emil Rolander, our Customer Success Manager, highlights the importance of the commissioning and training phase, which he considers the most crucial and enjoyable part of his role.

Education is Key: Empowering You to Succeed

When we deploy your system on-site, whether it’s a three-camera or five-camera setup, we don’t just leave you to figure it out on your own. Our team dedicates a day or two to training your staff, ensuring they feel confident in operating the system on a day-to-day basis.

Making Training Fun and Engaging

Emil emphasizes the importance of making the training process engaging and enjoyable. With eye trackers as advanced as ours, training sessions are full of excitement and exploration. Our goal is not only to educate but to inspire and empower you to make the most of your investment.

Understanding Your System: The Key to Success

During the training sessions, we cover everything from eye tracking system setup to data interpretation. You’ll learn why we position cameras in certain locations and what to look for in the data. Our aim is for you to fully understand your system and feel comfortable using it without constant reliance on us.

The Start of Ongoing Support

Emil emphasizes that the training phase marks the beginning of our ongoing support for you. We want you to feel confident and empowered to utilize your eye tracking system to its fullest potential. Our support doesn’t end once the training is over – we’re here to assist you whenever you need us.

The Bottom mLine: Your Eye Tracking Journey Begins Here

With Smart Eye, your eye tracking purchase is just the beginning of an exciting journey. From commissioning to training, we’re committed to ensuring your success every step of the way. Get ready to unlock the full potential of your eye tracking solution and revolutionize your research or business processes.


Are you ready to turn your ideas into reality with Smart Eye solutions? Contact us today to learn more and schedule a personalized demonstration tailored to your needs.

Written by Ashley McManus
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